The New Orleans Complete Streets Coalition is a group of organizations, businesses, civic leaders, and community members who support improving our roadways and safe transportation options in order to enhance health, equity, sustainability, prosperity, and quality-of-life for the people of New Orleans.
Member Expectations
- 3-5 hours per month
- Publicly express support for the Coalition’s stated goals by being listed as a member (on website, brochures, etc)
- Provide input and guidance at regular Coalition meetings
- Help develop specific policy proposals through research and discussions with partners
- Conduct community engagement and outreach, in the ways that make the most sense for your organization, such as:
- Share updates and action alerts with your supporters via email blasts, social media, and website
- Host an informational presentation or meeting
- Provide staff and/or volunteers for various outreach events
- Be a media spokesperson
- Participate in public meetings and meetings with city officials to advocate for improved biking, walking, transit, and accessibility
- Recruit coalition members and organization and/or business supporters
Supporter Expectations
- Listed publicly as a supporter of the New Orleans Complete Streets Coalition
- Vocalize support when needed online and in local communities
- Receive email updates related to Complete Streets and related transportation issues from the Coalition
- Commitment to a healthy, prosperous, and sustainable New Orleans community